Nienhuis Montessori Katalog

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Psychoarithmetic Psychoarithmetic by Maria Montessori provides a view of the working of the human mind through the lens of exercises and study of mathematics (arithmetic, geometry, and algebra and their relationships), as well as applied mathematics in the form of measurement. The intention of the book, to forge a link between psychology and mathematics, is obvious from the title. The book demands that the reader attend to each and every detail while at the same time keeping in mind that all the details form part of the whole one is trying to understand. The book also pays homage to the people throughout the ages who have thought and found ways to solve their daily problems of living through mathematics. Yet without developing the mind through exploring mathematics, one cannot utilize these ideas. So the book is intended to be a handbook, for both children and adults, of how to help the mind develop in order to fulfill its potential. • The Montessori Series: 396 pp, soft cover, 2016 edition, Volume 20. Bestell-Nr.: 549900 • The Montessori Series: 396 pp, hard cover, 2016 edition, Volume 20. Bestell-Nr.: 549901 Psychogeometry Maria Montessori. ‘Psychogeometry’ demonstrates the originality and brilliance of Maria Montessori’s own mathematical talents. This, combined with her deep understanding of the psychological workings of the child’s mind, enabled her to offer an approach to mathematics that is irresistible and fascinating. Based on her Italian manuscript and the 1934 Spanish edition. • The Montessori Series: 233 pp, hard cover, 2011 edition, Volume 16. Bestell-Nr.: 547500 • The Montessori Series: 233 pp, soft cover, 2011 edition, Volume 16. Bestell-Nr.: 547600 The 1946 London Lectures Maria Montessori. The 1946 London course was the first course given in Europe by Maria Montessori after she and her son Mario returned from seven years of exile in India. This course was to have significant pedagogical consequences, since ‘The 1946 London Lectures’ became the foundation of AMI’s 3 – 6 courses. • The Montessori Series: 264 pp, soft cover, 2012 edition, Volume 17. Bestell-Nr.: 547700 The Mass Explained To Children In this little book Montessori teaches the children about the meaning of the Catholic Mass, what is necessary for the Mass, the Mass of the Catechumens and the Mass of the Faithful. • The Montessori Series: 70 pp, soft cover, 2015 edition, Volume 19. Bestell-Nr.: 545800

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