Nienhuis Montessori Katalog


Maria Montessori Sails To America During her first voyage to America at the end of 1913, Montessori kept a diary in which she dwelled on the major changes that had taken place in her life in that year and looked forward to what her visit to America might have in store for her and her work. Maria Montessori demonstrates her powers of observation and describes life on board with relish and wit. The diary also gives a rare insight into her budding relationship with her adolescent son Mario, who had come to live with her earlier that year. Translated and introduced by Carolina Montessori, her great-granddaughter, this small book is an absolute must-have for anyone interested in Montessori’s life and career. This is the first time that Maria Montessori’s thoughts, feelings and impressions, written down by herself, are being published. • 95 pp, hard cover, 2013 edition. Bestell-Nr.: 549800 Maria Montessori Speaks To Parents 11 lectures in which Maria Montessori gives parents an introductory explanation of her vision on education. Unpublished work from the pedagogical Archives of Maria Montessori. Including a small biography of Maria Montessori. A must for each school and their parents and potential parents. • The Montessori Series: 72 pp, soft cover, 2017 edition, Volume 21. Bestell-Nr.: 544000 Child Education This slim volume is a collection of Dr. Montessori’s series of talks on All India Radio, during her sojourn in India. The book encompasses the quintessential Montessori philosophy, and is an invaluable handbook for those who wish for an introduction to her ideas. • Kalakshetra: 60 pp, soft cover, 2007 edition. Bestell-Nr.: 548400 The 1913 Rome Lectures Maria Montessori organized the 1913 training course in Rome in response to many requests, from all over the world, but particularly the United States. It is the first course that was especially devised to provide international students to benefit from a bilingual curriculum. Whilst Montessori obviously delivered her lectures in Italian, simultaneous English translation was offered by two students: Zoe Bateman, who went on to become secretary of the Montessori Educational Association (USA) founded by parents impressed by Montessori’s work Miss George had started, and Emily Greenman, who was one of the first to express interest in taking a course with Dr Montessori, if she were to offer that in the English language. The lectures on this 1913 course testify to Maria Montessori’s passion as a thinker on human development. They show the depth of her background as a doctor of medicine, anthropologist, philosopher and pedagogue giving an enthralling insight into how she was influenced by her time, where she adopted new and traditional ideas as an inspiration and how she explored new directions. • The Montessori Series: 276 pp, soft cover, 2013 edition, Volume 18. Bestell-Nr.: 547800


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