Nienhuis Montessori Katalog


Education For Human Development Mario M. Montessori, Jr. An insight into his grandmother’s personality, her role as a feminist and her philosophy of education and child growth. • Clio: 117 pp, soft cover, 1997 edition. Bestell-Nr.: 531900

Maria Montessori: Her Life And Work E. M. Standing. Introduction by John J. McDermott. A biography that includes

quotes from her letters and diaries. • 380 pp, soft cover, 1998 edition.

Bestell-Nr.: 539700

Maria Montessori Biography Rita Kramer. This biography covers the personal life of Dr. Montessori and the intellectual and social climate of Italy during her formative years. • 410 pp, soft cover, 1988 edition. Bestell-Nr.: 540600

Maria Montessori 100 Years: 1907 – 2007 Centenary Of The Montessori Movement Includes photos, stickers and more and a history of the ‘movement’. • Kalekshetra: 221 pp, hard cover, 2007 edition. Bestell-Nr.: 549600 Mammolina: A Story About Maria As a student at a Montessori school or just as an interested person, you may wonder who Maria Montessori was. Maria Montessori dedicated her life to the advancement of all children. This Book traces her life from her youth, to her struggles as a young adult striving to become the first woman doctor in Italy, to her years as a world figure in education and as an advocate for peace. It also illustrates the independent, imaginative, vital nature that characterized Maria Montessori. • 64 pp, soft cover, 1993 edition. Bestell-Nr.: 544550 DVD: Maria Montessori: Her Life And Legacy With Annette Haines, Ed. D. This film introduces the basic tenets and methodology of Montessori education with film sequences from 3 schools showing children independently learning in their carefully prepared environment. Includes a sequence on Dr. Montessori’s life portrayed through rare archival Photos, Stickers And More. • 35 minutes, 2004 edition. Bestell-Nr.: 568500


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