Nienhuis Montessori | Catalog 2019


The Nail Board Using the Nail Board, children learn different geometric shapes, angles, fractions and other patterns and how to create them using elastic bands. Includes: a beechwood box with lid (lid serves as the nail board), elastic bands a mirror, a protractor (transparent plastic), four activity books and instructions. Item Number: 063001 Metal Squares: 9 Plates This material is used for geometry, specifically exercises of equivalent, identical and similar figures. The set consists of 9 green metal frames with bottoms, 1 set of insets divided into squares and rectangles and 1 set of insets divided into triangles (this material is also used for small metal inset work, ‘linear geometric design.’). Item Number: 011500 • Metal Triangles: 4 Plates The Metal Triangles material allows the child to make an analytical study of triangles. The set consists of 4 metal frames with bottoms. The insets are equilateral triangles divided into 1, 1/2, 1/3 and 1/4. Item Number: 011600 •

Small Triangle Item No.: 011700 •

Small Trapezoid Item No.: 0117A0 •

Diagonal Quatrefoil Item No.: 0117B0 •

Horizontal Quatrefoil Item No.: 0117C0 •


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