Nienhuis Montessori | Catalog 2019

ELEMENTARY 6 – 12 Geometry


The Geometric Cabinet The Geometric Cabinet introduces the child to plane geometry. A six-drawer cabinet containing 35 geometric insets and frames. Item Number: 003700 •

The Demonstration Tray The Demonstration Tray is used with the Geometric Cabinet to introduce plane geometric shapes in isolation. Item Number: 003800 •

Geometric Cabinet Activity Set Additional exercises for use with the Geometric Cabinet Includes: exercise cards, divider tabs and a wooden box for storage. Item Number: 061001

Constructive Triangles The Constructive Triangles give the child practical experience in plane geometry. The set consists of: 2 rectangular boxes, 1 triangular box, 1 small hexagonal box, and 1 large hexagonal box, each containing triangles of differing size, shape and color. Item Number: 004900 •

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