Nienhuis Heutink International (English)
Decanomial Bead Bar Box This set of bead bars is used for building the decanomial. The multiplication tables from 1 - 10 may be constructed in geometric form using the beads. Includes 55 of each of the colored bead bars from 1-10 and a wooden box for storage.
Individual Beads Glass Item Number: 0190G0 Individual Beads Nylon Item Number: 0190M0
Decanomial Paper 10 printed forms (printed in actual size) of the decanomial
with black bead outlines. Item Number: 019100
Bank Game The Bank Game reinforces the concept of long
multiplication. The children assume different roles as they perform the game exercises. Includes plastic number cards and role designator cards and a specially designed box with lid. Item Number: 007300
Bank Game Activity Set Additional exercises for use with the Bank Game. Includes: exercise cards, divider tabs and a wooden box for storage. Item Number: 060301
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