Nienhuis Heutink International (English)
Checker Board Activity Set Additional exercises for use with the Checker Board. Includes: exercise cards, divider tabs and a wooden box for storage. Item Number: 060201
Checker Board Beads Contains 20 of each Colored Bead Bars 1 through 9 in a wooden box with lid. These beads along with the tile material (Item Number 0138B0 and 009950) are component parts necessary to do the Checker Board activities.
Individual Beads Glass Item Number: 0138G0 Individual Beads Nylon Item Number: 0138M0
Number Tiles This set of wooden color-coded number tiles is designed for use with the Checker Board, Decimal Checker Board
and the Flat Bead Frame. Item Number: 0138B0
Box With Grey And White Number Tiles This advanced set of wooden color-coded number tiles is designed for use with the Checker Board, Decimal Checker Board, the Flat Bead Frame, the Bead Material and various other math exercises. The numerals on the tiles are printed in black, instead of the colors used in the hierarchy of the decimal system, thus demonstrating the move from one category to another more clearly. Item Number: 009950
Nienhuis Montessori
Made with FlippingBook Annual report