Multiplication card game
Training game multiplication up to 10
Training game division up to 12
“Do you have of the times table 7,
the card 6 x 7 = .. ?”
Calculate and ask a co-player for
the card. This player checks the card
for the right answer. If the answer
is correct you get the card. The set
contains 6 games, each game has 5
happy families. Practise times tables
1 – 12, 12 ½ , 15 and 25.
blue plastic box (32 x 15 x 6 cm)
6 transparent plastic boxes
in every box 20 plastic cards
Multiplication card game
Practise times tables 0-10 and automatic recall. The cards are
printed on both sides, one side shows a sum and the other
side the answer. Because the material is self-checking pupils
can work with it both in groups and individually.
wooden box with transparent lid (16.5 x 11 x 7.5 cm)
120 plastic cards
Training game multiplication up to 10
Practise division 1-12 and automatic recall. The cards are
printed on both sides, one side shows a sum and the other
side the answer. Because the material is self-checking pupils
can work with it both in groups and individually.
wooden box with transparent lid (16.5 x 11 x 7.5 cm)
120 plastic cards
Training game division up to 12