Grow with Heutink USA
7 - 9 yrs
10 - 12 yrs
0 - 3 yrs
4 - 6 yrs
TT Box J1354000
Division help J1358000
Magnetic fraction round J1504000 Recognize and name fractions and learn to calculate with fractions.
Magnetic fraction linear J1506000 Recognize and name fractions and learn to calculate with fractions.
Learn the times tables 1-10. Place the red card on top of the card with the sums to hide the answers.
Learn the division tables 1-10. Place the red card on top of the card with the sums to hide the answers.
Clock synchronous J3030500
Clock 12 and 24 hours J3030510 Writable clocks with an analogue clock face and a digital display.
Split(s) box teacher J15520000 Demonstrate the partitioning of numbers up to 10.
Split(s) cards J1553000 Practice the partitions up to 10 in couples. To be used in conjunction with the Split(s) box.
Demonstration classroom clock for with a special front that shows the PM hours or the minutes.
Bead string up to 100 J3018246 Demonstrate numbers and arithmetic operations up to 100..
Bead bar up to 100 J577019 Explore the number structure 0-100.
Bead bar up to 100 J3018219 Practice number skills up to 100. Use the beads to visualize numbers and arithmetic operations.
3-dimensions J3003150 Use the blocks to build the different views or projections.
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