Floriade crepe paper
Extra quality. Size 50 x 250 cm.
30% stretch. Around 27 gsm.
083.103 White
083.104 Yellow
083.105 Orange
083.106 Red
083.107 Pink
083.108 Brown
083.109 Light blue
083.110 Dark blue
083.111 Purple
083.112 Light green
Tissue paper
Coloured tissue paper, folded in booklets of 26 sheets. Available in
9 brilliant colours and white. Approx. 20 gsm.
Size 50 x 70 cm
083.120 White
083.121 Yellow
083.122 Orange
083.123 Red
083.124 Dark blue
083.125 Light blue
083.126 Light green
083.127 Dark green
083.128 Pink
083.129 Violet
083.035 Pack of 520 sheets assorted
Tissue paper
Tissue paper assorted in 10 colours.
Pack of 1000 sheets.
083.040 Size 12 x 12 cm
083.041 Size 16 x 16 cm
083.113 Dark green
083.114 Black
083.171 Gold
083.172 Silver
Box of 10 x 10 colours
083.115 Assorted colours
Arts & Crafts