Leather needles
Leather needles with triangular tip. No. 3-7 assorted.
Card of 6 pieces.
131.259 Leather needles
Safety pins
Nickel-plated. Card with 12 safety pins.
071.275 no. 1 - 27 mm
071.276 no. 2 - 38 mm
071.277 no. 3 - 50 mm
071.278 no. 1, 2 en 3
Steel, length 34 mm.
081.183 Box of 1000 pieces
Leather residues
Assortment leather residues.
Miscellaneous colours and sizes.
510.050 Leather residues
Glass head pins
Length 30 mm, thickness 0,6 mm. Assorted colours.
552.012 box of 100 pieces
552.017 box of 1000 pieces
Steel, length 32 mm, thickness 0,6 mm.
Box of 200 pieces
552.000 Pins
Arts & Crafts