Inter glue sticks
Excellent adhesive quality at very low cost. The PVP glue dries
transparent and is washable. Quickly drying. Solvent-free. For
paper, cardboard and photos.
081.060 20 grams
081.061 40 grams
Tape Heutink
Transparent, easy to tear adhesive tape. Box of 10 rolls.
075.002 15 mm x 10 m
075.004 15 mm x 33 m
Tape Heutink invisible
Invisible Tape. Box of 1 roll.
075.074 Tape Heutink invisible
Tesa office film
Box of 10 rolls.
075.069 15 mm x 10 m
075.070 15 mm x 33 m
075.072 15 mm x 66 m
Sticky pads Heutink
Double sided adhesive pads for non-permanent mounting. Solvent
free, safe and easy for children to use. Pack of 100 grams.
081.070 Sticky pads Heutink
Arts & Crafts