Nienhuis USA_Summer2022

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Decimal Fraction Exercise 013901

70.00 regular price 87.50

Used for various decimal operations and with the Decimal Fraction Board, this material introduces decimal quantity and symbol. The material consists of a wooden box containing color-coded cubes to represent hierarchical values. Included is a complete set of decimal number cards from 1–0.00009. Elementary 6 - 12 MATHEMATICS | FRACTIONS

Decimal Fraction Board 014001

64.68 regular price 80.85

The Decimal Fraction Board is used for the introduction of decimal number formation and for performing the operations of addition, subtraction and multiplication with decimal and whole numbers. Elementary 6 - 12 MATHEMATICS | FRACTIONS

Decimal Fraction Exercise Activity Set 061801 Elementary 6 - 12 MATHEMATICS | FRACTIONS

33.96 regular price 42.45

Fractions Activity Set: 1 061501 Elementary 6 - 12 MATHEMATICS | FRACTIONS

51.36 regular price 64.20

Fractions Activity Set: 2 061601 Elementary 6 - 12 MATHEMATICS | FRACTIONS

53.32 regular price 66.65

Fractions Activity Set: 3 061701 Elementary 6 - 12 MATHEMATICS | FRACTIONS

50.28 regular price 62.85

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