Nienhuis Montessori | Catalog 2019


Large Fraction Skittles The Large Fraction Skittles represent divisors of whole, 1/2, 1/3, and 1/4 and are used with the Fraction Circles to

work equations in division. Item Number: 011300 •

Skittle Stand A hardwood stand for storing and carrying the Large Fraction Skittles. Item Number: 0113A0 • Fraction Circles Fraction Circles introduce the child to the concept of fractions. The child is introduced to all aspects of fraction work, i.e., correct terminology, equivalency, arithmetic functions, conversion to decimals, measurement of angles, etc. Item Number: 011400 • Fraction Circles Stands (2) 2 stands designed to each hold five Fraction Circles for storing and carrying. Item Number: 0114A0 • Instrument For The Measurement Of Angles This metal frame is used with the Fraction Circles to demonstrate how angles are measured in degrees. Item Number: 012400 • The Centisimal Frame This metal frame is used with the Fraction Circles to demonstrate how fractions may be reduced to decimal fractions. Item Number: 012500 • Cut-Out Labeled Fraction Circles The Cut-Out Labeled Fraction Circles are used by the child as an extension of his work with the Fraction Circles. The plastic set includes 10 whole circles and 5 sets of labeled fraction pieces for each of the values from halves to tenths. Item Number: 018500 •


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