Nienhuis Montessori | Catalog 2019


Elementary Negative Snake Game: Individual Beads Glass

Decimal Stamp Game The Number Tiles are printed with decimal fractions from 1–0.000009. For recognizing and labeling decimal number combinations and performing operations of addition, subtraction and multiplication with decimal numbers. Item Number: 018301

This material is used to introduce the concept of negative numbers. The material consists of a presentation tray containing 6 boxes of Bead Material, 1 box containing 5 sets of Colored Bead Stairs, 1 box containing 5 sets of Negative Bead Stairs, 1 box containing 1 Black And White Bead Stair, 1 box containing 23 Golden Bars Of 10, 1 box containing 1 Red And White Bead Stair and 1 box containing 23 Gray Bars Of 10.

Item Number: 0292G0 (Glass) • Item Number: 0292M0 (Nylon) •

Squared Paper: 14 mm (500) Item Number: 014500 •

Arithmetic Books: Green – Large (100) Item Number: 0166C2

Arithmetic Books: Blue – Small (100) Item Number: 016603

Squared Paper: 10 mm (250) Item Number: 016300 •

Arithmetic Books: Green – Small (100) Item Number: 016602

Arithmetic Books: Blue – Large (100) Item Number: 0166C3


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