Nienhuis Montessori | Catalog 2019


Large Number Cards 1–1000: Plastic Item Number: 0069C0 •

Large Number Cards 1–9000: Plastic Item Number: 0072C0 •

Small Number Cards 1–3000: Plastic Item Number: 0070C0 •

Small Number Cards 1–9000: Plastic Item Number: 0071C0 •

Large Number Cards 1–9000: Wood The wooden number cards are finished with a clear varnish. A box is included to facilitate handling and storage. Item Number: 0072B0 •

Small Number Cards 1–9000: Wood The wooden number cards are finished with a clear varnish. A box is included to facilitate handling and storage. Item Number: 0071B0 •

Hundred Board With Roman Numerals A material for use after the child has mastered the original Hundred Board. The concept is the same, but this version is printed with Roman numerals. The material consists of a wooden board printed with 100 squares and a box with lid containing chips printed with the Roman numerals 1–100. Item Number: 018050


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