Nienhuis Heutink International (English)
Detective Adjective Exercise This exercise demonstrates the function of the adjective as the describing word. The set contains the 7 different types of triangles, each in 3 colors and each in 3 sizes (63 triangles total) in a beechwood box with lid. Item Number: 0045A0
Detective Adjective Exercise Commands 64 phrases on cards. Item Number: 561200
Logical Adverb Exercise Over 100 adverbs and verbs included in the set. Some adverbs are logical with some verbs and illogical with other verbs. Back of cards are color coded orange
(adverb) and red (verb). Item Number: 564200
Logical Adjective Exercise Over 100 adjectives and nouns included. Some adjectives are logical with some nouns and illogical with other nouns. Back of cards are color coded blue (adjective) and black (noun). Item Number: 564100
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