Nienhuis Heutink International (English)
Blindfolds: Set Of 4 These blindfolds have a comfortable opening for the nose and a Velcro fastener so the child may put it on without assistance. Includes 1 each: red, orange, green and blue. Item Number: E523320
Smelling Bottles The Smelling Bottles are used to refine the olfactory sense through matching. The teacher prepares the bottles with a variety of pairs of scents. The set consists of a wooden tray that holds 12 glass bottles - 6 colored dark gray, 6 colored light gray. Item Number: 001500
Sound Boxes The Sound Boxes develop auditory discrimination through exercises in pairing and grading a series of sounds. This item consists of two sets of 6 sealed wooden cylinders graded from very soft to loud that contain materials that make a distinctive sound when shaken. Item Number: 001600
Nienhuis Montessori
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