Nienhuis Heutink International (English)
Globe Of Land And Water With the Globe Of Land And Water, the child gets a sensorial impression of land and water. The globe has a sand surface representing land and a smooth surface representing water. The wooden base holds the globe at a 23° angle, the same as the earth’s axis in relation to the sun. Item Number: 023000
Globe Of The World Parts With the Globe Of The World Parts, the concept of continents is introduced. The globe has an entirely smooth surface, with a beige color representing land and blue representing water. The wooden base holds the globe at a 23° angle, the same as the earth’s axis in relation to the sun. Item Number: 022600
Globe Of The Continents With the Globe Of The Continents, the concept of continents is reviewed with the child and the continents are named. These lead to work with the Puzzle Maps. The wooden base holds the globe at a 23° angle, the same as the earth’s axis in relation to the sun. Item Number: 023100
Globe Projection Map: Set Of 10 A paper map of the world designed to be cut out and glued together. When assembled, the globe fits perfectly on the Globe Of The Continents. Item Number: 023150
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