Nienhuis Heutink International (English)
Multiplication Working Charts The Multiplication Working Charts aid the child in practice and memorization of the multiplication tables 1 x 1 through 10 x 10. Includes 2 control charts, 3 working charts and a box of wooden product chips. Item Number: 0142C4
Problem Slips: Multiplication Working Charts 3 sets of color-coded multiplication combinations (equations) slips. 1 set of combinations for each of the three Multiplication Working Charts. Each set is supplied
in a separate plastic box. Item Number: 559544
Working Chart Equation Paper 500 sheets with 10 rows of 5 squares printed in black on white paper. Used for memorization exercises. Item Number: 558600
Multiplication Equation And Products Box This 2-compartment box with lid contains plastic chips, 1 set with equations printed on them and 1 set with the answers to be used with the Multiplication Working Charts. All the equations and products for the multiples 1-10 are included. Item Number: 014800
Nienhuis Montessori
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