Nienhuis Heutink International (English)
Sandpaper Numerals The Sandpaper Numerals introduce the child to symbol 0-9 and their corresponding number names. By tracing the numerals in the style and direction in which they are written, the child is preparing for writing numbers. The 10 rough sandpaper numerals are mounted on smooth green boards.
Sandpaper Numerals: International Version Item Number: 002820
Sandpaper Numerals: US Version Item Number: 002813
Sandpaper Numerals Box Item Number: 0028A0
Numerals And Signs 6 sets of wooden cut-out numerals and the signs ‘+’ and ‘-‘ for use in addition and subtraction exercises. Includes a divided beechwood box with lid.
Numerals And Signs: International Version Item Number: 002720
Numerals And Signs: US Version Item Number: 0027A3
Nienhuis Montessori
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