Nienhuis 90 - Bells - English
The Original Montessori Craft.
We go back to 18 October 1922, when Maria Montessori and Albert Nienhuis discussed several materials with a great eye for detail. After more than 90 years we love to share some of their considerations. Maria Montessori “I believe that after establishing silence it would be educational to ring well-toned bells, now calm and sweet, now clear and ringing, sending their vibrations through the child’s whole body...,giving a peace that pervades the very fibres of his being.” Albert Nienhuis “A unique production process creates a series of bells that are identical in appearance, but the vibrations brought about by a strike of a hammer produce 13 beautiful different notes.”
Original Nienhuis Montessori Bells from 1957, photographed in the Nienhuis Museum in Zelhem, The Netherlands.
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