Jegro catalogus




Dubio develops different math skills with a unique self-check. Place an assignment card into the wooden box. Look at the assignment and place the peg in the corresponding hole. If you did it correctly you can pull out the card.

Contents: wooden box (12 x 10 x 3 cm) with wooden peg

345000 Dubio box

There are severable assignment cards available, to be ordered separately.

Contents: plastic box 20 plastic assignment cards with 40 assignments

345110 Classifying numbers 1 to 12 345120 Classifying numbers 11 to 20 345130 Number-images 345140 Dividing

345170 Tens and units 345180 Hundred-field

345210 Calculating till 100 a 345220 Calculating till 100 b 345230 Multiplication a 345240 Multiplication b 345250 Division

345150 Calculating till 10 345160 Calculating till 20

Jegro Catalogue


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