Jegro catalogus

Mathematics 01.01

Fraction dominoes in numbers

Contents: wooden box with separate lid (24.5 x 17.5 x 3.5 cm) 10 transparent plastic boxes in each box 15 plastic cards

Practise the addition, subtraction and multiplication of fractions. Start by placing the card with the arrow. The arrow shows the direction in which the cards should be placed. The card also contains a number. Look for the corresponding sum. Place this card and continue with all cards in the same way.

1405001 addition 1405002 subtraction 1405003 multiplication

Fraction dominoes

Learn to multiply fractions and practise equivalent fractions. The arrow shows the direction in which the cards should be placed. The card also contains an answer. Look for the corresponding fraction or fraction sum. Place this card and continue with all cards in the same way. The set is self-checking and increases in degree of difficulty.

Contents: wooden box with separate lid (24.5 x 17.5 x 3.5 cm) 10 transparent plastic boxes in each box 15 plastic cards

1404000 Fraction dominoes

Jegro Catalogue


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