Inspiration Brochure USA
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Inspiration Brochure
150 recently developed Nienhuis materials in the spotlight
The Montessori Tulip To honor Maria Montessori's 150th birthday
The prepared environment should not be a museum. It should be an ordered, calm, yet dynamic learning environment where the materials cater towards every child’s age and ability. The classroom evolves, adapts, transforms; materials are added or removed periodically. These minor changes inspire children and entice activity. Maria Montessori, through observation of the children in her classroom, continuously improved and developed materials. Nienhuis Montessori does the same. Together with Montessori specialists and experts we are continually refining, perfecting and developing new materials. In the last few years we have added many new materials to our assortment, and we decided to spotlight them here. Continuous Development
Practical Life
There is a tendency to dismiss the importance of the Practical Life activities. Young children love these exercises and activities as they want to ‘copy’ what we do as adults. When you are cooking, cleaning or organizing, your toddler or preschooler wants to help. These purposeful activities develop fine and gross motor skills, coordination, independence, concentration, planning, order, a sense of responsibility, and more. We could say that the practical life activities develop Executive Functions!
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Enamel Liter Measure The special surface of this enamel guarantees simple care and hygiene. The blue edge is applied by hand. Capacity: 1 liter. Measures: Ø 13.5 cm. Item Number: 400100
Potato Peeler Made of stainless steel. Measures: 12 cm. Item Number: 403400
Rolling Pin Made of untreated beechwood.
Measures: 24 x Ø 5 cm. Item Number: 408500
Visit pages 62 – 65 or for more Practical Life materials
Apple Divider Made of stainless steel. Measures: 15.5 x 10 cm. Item Number: 403500
Cooking Spoon Made of untreated beechwood. Measures: 16 cm. Item Number: 408700
Education for independence • Education for life
Spatula Made of untreated beechwood. Measures: 17 cm. Item Number: 408600
Pastry Brush Made of untreated beechwood and light horsehair. Measures: 15 x 4 cm. Item Number: 408900
Cooking Spoon With Hole Made of untreated beechwood. Measures: 16 cm. Item Number: 408800
Dough Spatula Made of untreated beechwood. Measures: 16 cm. Item Number: 409100
Whisk Made of untreated beechwood. Measures: 14.5 cm. Item Number: 409000
Language and Motor Skills hold a prominent position in the development of young children. Years of experience and observation of children has led to a beautiful range of Infant / Toddler materials that breathe the art of simplicity and create an even more challenging environment.
Language and Motor Skills are essential in the Infant / Toddler environment
Cutting And Scissor Tray An all-inclusive set for cutting exercises in the classroom. Includes: a wooden tray and small box, a pair of scissors and several scissors exercise sheets. See Item Number 567700 Scissors Exercises to order additional sheets. Item Number: 040000
Imbucare Box With Flip Lid – Knit Ball A rectangular box with 2 compartments and a flip lid with one hole. The child inserts the knit ball in the hole and flips the lid over to expose it. Item Number: 041900
Glue And Paste Box An all-inclusive set for gluing and pasting exercises in the classroom. Includes: a wooden box with six compartments, a glue/paste brush and a glass jar with lid. The lid of the box has a cutout hole that holds the jar upright to avoid spilling the contents. Item Number: 040100
These puzzles stimulate eye-hand coordination and fine motor skills. Realistic images and correct proportions make working with these puzzles meaningful. Moreover, children expand their vocabulary as each puzzle piece has a name. There are 5 series: pets, wild animals, farm animals, vegetables and fruits. Infant / Toddler Puzzles
Toddler Puzzle: Parakeet Item Number: 044660
Stimulates hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills
Toddler Puzzle: 3 Rodents The realistic images are placed in the right proportions and enable the child to learn the difference between ‘big’ and ‘small’. Item Number: 044670
Toddler Puzzle: 4 Fish The realistic images enable the child to learn the difference between ‘big’ and ‘small’. Item Number: 044680
More puzzles on pages 65, 66, 67
Toddler Puzzle: 5 Pets The realistic images are placed in the right proportions and enable the child to learn the difference between ‘big’ and ‘small’. Item Number: 044690
Toddler Puzzle: Dog Each puzzle piece represents a part of the dog, which stimulates the child’s vocabulary. Item Number: 044700
Stimulates the child's vocabulary
Furniture Infant / Toddler 0 – 3
One of the core concepts of the Infant / Toddler environment, is to guide the child towards independence. The furniture is designed to provide freedom of movement, without any adult intervention. Take a close look at our Toddler chairs. These chairs are unique in its kind and offers the perfect seat for the young child. Its shape prompts the child to sit properly, in the back of the chair. Infant / Toddler Chairs
Unique design!
Very often, adults need to help children to sit properly. The chairs below enable the children to do it themselves.
Slatted Chair: Low 13 cm high. Item Number: 101020
Slatted Chair: High 17.5 cm high. Item Number: 101030
More furniture on pages 53, 54, 55, 67, 68
Finally, there is a real sports program based upon Montessori principles. In her days Maria Montessori also addressed how to support the development of young children in sports. Tennis, football and the like do not have for their sole purpose the accurate moving of a ball but they challenge us to acquire a new skill – something lacking before – and this feeling of enhancing our abilities is the real source of delight in the game. Maria Montessori, The Absorbent Mind (Chapter 17)
Montessori Football Young children are intensely drawn to ball- shaped objects. The child can easily manipulate a ball, which helps to stimulate their development of movement, their will and increase their independence. This ball (pictured left) has a diameter of 14 cm and is suitable for 3 – 6 age levels. The surface is slightly rough, for the purpose of providing traction and control to the child who will use it to throw, catch and kick. Item Number: 620000
Ball Pump Before the 3 – 6 child can play with the ball, it needs to be inflated, as it will need to be deflated after playing with it. This is a preliminary exercise which fulfills several aspects of practical life and sensorial development. It further stimulates/ cultivates a sense of responsibility for the material. Item Number: 620100
Language follows a certain set of rules, it behaves in predictable ways, and it requires civil conversation to reach the best conclusion. To learn the parts of speech Maria Montessori developed the grammar symbols. There is logic and an interesting ‘story’ behind each symbol created. Here are a few that you may or may not already know… Because the pyramid was the first building on earth, and the first human beings only used nouns in their spoken language, the noun was symbolized by a pyramid. All parts of speech connected to the noun, got the same symbol. Because the sun brings life, the verb was symbolized by the sun. Verbs make sentences alive. Did you know that the pronoun is 2 mm taller than the noun and that Maria Montessori made a conscious choice for the color purple? The pronoun is frustrated because it cannot always be the noun. However, when he’s allowed to replace the noun, maybe he then feels supreme to the noun?! Food for thought… Language And Grammar Are A Lot Like Math And Science
Grammar Sense Game: Set 1 The Grammar Sense Game helps the child internalize a sense of the functions of the parts of speech. Children choose words randomly and place them into a sentence structure template based on their function. The sentences created are grammatically correct, but semantically nonsensical. It is great fun for the children. Includes: 1 base block, 4 paddle cards, 2 control charts, 1 flow chart, 84 word cards, instructions and a wooden box with lid. Designed by Mark Powell. Item Number: 010701
Grammar Symbol Tiles The Grammar Symbol Tiles enable a child to learn the grammar symbols in a very dynamic and physical way. Just like in a written sentence, the verb has a central role and all the other symbols are laid in a circle around it. As one child reads a sentence, another child leaps from symbol to symbol indicating the various parts of speech of the sentence. The diameter of the verb is 50 cm. Item Number: 010750
3D Wooden Grammar Symbols: Set Of 10 With Tray A beautiful set of three-dimensional grammar symbols for the first introduction of the parts of speech. Includes 10 symbols and a beechwood tray for storage. Item Number: 010600
The Land Of The Parts Of Speech
A story that helps familiarize children with the various parts of speech. It originates from a lecture given by Mario Montessori at a course at the German Montessori Association in Frankfurt, Germany in the late 1950’s. Item Number: 523281
Hollow Letters And Numbers
Maria Montessori wrote about these materials:
Since I had made the children touch the outlines of the geometrical figures in the plane insets, there remained only to make them trace with their fingers the shapes of the letters of the alphabet. (…) At that stage I was struck by an idea which had not entered my mind before: that in writing are employed two different kinds of movement, namely besides the already mentioned movement which reproduces the form there is that of handling the instrument of writing. Indeed, when defective children had become expert in tracing all the letters of the alphabet according to their forms, they were not yet able to hold the pen in their hand. Holding and manipulating a rod with certainty needs a special muscular mechanism which is independent of the movements involved of writing; it is in fact contemporaneous with the movement necessary for tracing all the letters of the alphabet. It is therefore, a unique mechanism which ought to exist along with the motor memory of the separate graphic signs. There remained the preparation of the muscular mechanism for holding and manipulating the instrument of writing. That I tried to obtain by adding to what had already been described two other exercises. In the first, the letters were touched not only with the index finger of the right hand, as on the first occasion, but with two fingers, the index and the middle finger; in the second, the letters were touched with a wooden rod held like a pen in writing. (...) I thought that, in order to get the movements of writing carried out more exactly, and to guarantee or at least to guide execution on a more direct manner, it would be necessary to prepare hollow letter shapes, so that they were represented by a groove, in which the wooden rod might move.
M. Montessori, The Discover Of The Child, Kalakshetra Publications, 1966
Hollow Letter Shapes: US Cursive Item Number: 005604
Hollow Letter Shapes: Spanish Cursive – Supplement Set This set contains the Spanish letters ll , rr , ch , ñ . To be used with Item Number: 005604. Item Number: 005614
Hollow Letter Shapes Box Item Number: 005610
Hollow Number Shapes: US Version Item Number: 002823
Hollow Number Shapes Box Item Number: 002821
Connecting symbol and sound
Some children have difficulty memorizing the addition tables. Maybe working with The Bead Houses will help them feel more comfortable and tackle this task in a fun and easy way?
Memorize addition tables up to 10
Bead Houses Used to help isolate the possible number combinations of 1–10, the Bead Houses are made of durable plastic and color-coded to correspond with the Bead Material. To be used with the Colored Bead Bars and Cut-Out Numerals. Set includes: 10 plastic cards, each shaped like a house, and a wooden box with lid for storage. Item Number: 008800
Cut-Out Numerals: US Version These red numerals are used in numerous arithmetic exercises. Item Number: 003503
Beautifully crafted numbers with smooth edges
Colored Bead Stairs – 10 Sets: Individual Beads The Colored Bead Stairs are used for activities of addition, subtraction and multiplication. Includes a hardwood box with lid. Item Number: 0090AG (Glass) Item Number: 0090AM (Nylon)
Hierarchical Colors
To learn about place value, Montessori created the hierarchical colors. We see these colors in a variety of the Montessori materials. Our Place Value Working Mat supports the work with the Golden Bead Material and provides a smooth transition to The Stamp Game. The Circle Of Operations empowers the children to do mathematical operations together. From the easier addition problems, to subtraction, multiplication and division. As they transition from operation to operation, the ‘game’ gets more and more exciting. At a later stage, the same colors here are recognized when they move to working with decimal numbers.
From cube to bar, to square, to cube
Place Value Working Mat The Place Value Working Mat is designed for use on the floor. It is perfect for laying out the Large Number Cards as well as for performing many other Montessori math exercises. The columns of each ‘place value’ are colored to match the Montessori Hierarchy Of Number, and the mat can be rolled up for convenient storage. Item Number: 013250
Great support for operations with the Golden Bead Material
Circle Of Operations Using this material, children can perform all mathematical operations in a holistic way (with and without changing). The children process the operations by walking on the circle. The outer green circle represents the units, the blue circle the tens, the red circle the hundreds and the inner green circle the thousands. It stimulates cooperative learning as 4 children can work together, each representing a place value. On top of this it stimulates coordination and the development of social competency. Made of vinyl. Measures: ø 247 cm. Item Number: 0132C0
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Independent Work
In every classroom you will find them – materials that stimulate independent work. Our Nienhuis Activity Sets fit this bill perfectly. Make sure the children do not use them only as a ‘linear method’, but also as an inspiration to create new challenges. A few new Activity Sets have been created to further inspire the children.
Number Rods Activity Set Additional exercises for use with the Number Rods. Includes: exercise cards, divider tabs and a
wooden box for storage. Item Number: 062801
Colored Bead Bars Activity Set Additional exercises for use with the Colored Bead Bars. Includes: exercise cards, divider tabs and a wooden box for storage. Item Number: 063701
Find more activity sets at
Teen Boards Activity Set Additional exercises for use with the Teen Boards. Includes: exercise cards, divider tabs and a wooden box for storage. Item Number: 063301
Control of Error
Tens Boards Activity Set Additional exercises for use with the Tens Boards. Includes: exercise cards, divider tabs and a wooden box for storage. Item Number: 063401
How Do We Write Zero In Roman Numerals? When we study history, it is interesting to learn that the Romans wrote numbers in a different way. Today, these numbers are used to help us tell time.
Hundred Board With Roman Numerals A material for use after the child has mastered the original Hundred Board. The concept is the same, but this version is printed with Roman numerals. The material consists of a wooden board printed with 100 squares and a box with lid containing chips printed with the Roman numerals 1–100. Item Number: 018050
Do you know where the numbers come from?
Control Chart: Hundred Board With Roman Numerals This control chart makes it possible for children to work independently and correct their own errors. Item Number: 0157B0
4 4
The Roman Arch This ingenious representation of a classic design allows the builder to discover the principle of the keystone and its function in the support of an arch. Made from beechwood. Item Number: 035000
Do you know what is stronger, an arch shape or a triangle?
Happiness Multiplies When You Divide It
You know the colors of the bead bars, correct? You know the Geometric Shapes, don’t you? Then it is probably easy to connect the color pink to a triangle. On the Rug For Small Numeral Cards all the numbers that can be divided by 3 have a pink triangle. So, get creative and think of all the wonderful variations that are possible with this material. Think about the combinations with the bead bars, the (Roman) Hundred Board and the Geometric Cabinet. Any others?
Rug For Small Numeral Cards A rug with 100 squares to use as the ‘board’ for laying out the Small Numeral Cards on the floor. Measures: 80 x 80 cm. Item Number: 067400
Box With Small Numeral Cards A set of 100 plastic cards
(7 x 7 cm) printed with numbers and geometric figures. Used for teaching counting to 100, learning prime numbers, common multiples and more. Includes a wooden box for storing the cards. Item Number: 067300
4 8
The Power Of Storytelling
An important component within the theory of Cosmic Education is telling beautiful stories. Stories inspire children and make them curious. Nowadays people call this the Narrative Learning Environment, and here again, Maria Montessori was way ahead of her time. Stories entice children to do research, something which is perfectly suited for the elementary child. Knowing the power of stories, Nienhuis has launched a beautiful line of stories, some of which also have a direct relation with the great lessons. To address the child’s imagination, the dinosaur for example tells the story of his own life. In addition to this, four teacher stories have been published to re-inspire a child to work again with some materials they learned while in primary school. You do not want an elementary child to say: ‘The primary materials are boring!’ - you want to inspire them to make new discoveries with these amazing materials!
As Albert Einstein said: ‘Imagination is the highest form of research.’
The Story Of The King Of Peace The Story Of The King Of Peace is an inspiring story that explains the relationship between the Pink Tower and the Trinomial Cube. Even though the child already knows these materials from their primary years, this story will entice the elementary child to learn about the mathematical relations between these materials. Item Number: 068201
King Sphere And King Cube Make Peace In this book two geometric kingdoms make peace. It prepares the children for the classification of the Geometric Solids. Item Number: 068301
The Narrative Learning Environment
The Story Of The Three Kings After a parade of the three kingdoms, a
revolution takes place and the decimal system is being created. The story prepares the child for working with the Arithmetic Trinomial Cube. Item Number: 068401
The Binomial Castle In this story one can read how the red and the blue king build a castle together. Item Number: 068501
A proper Montessori shelf invites a child to begin working with the beautiful Montessori materials. That is why we have developed a range of cabinets in which transparency is key. Not only the front and back are open, but the side panels are too. A back panel can be added, as can castors, and the shelves are adjustable in height. The cabinets are suitable for both the primary and elementary environments.
Geometry / Biology Cabinet: Open Back (93 cm)
A cabinet with 4 shelves, 2 adjustable in height, suitable for children from 3 to 12 years of age. A panel to create a closed back cabinet and a caster set with brakes can be ordered separately (Item Number: 157350 and 157560). The cabinet is shipped unmounted and flat-packed to save on delivery. Measures: 53 x 40 x 93 cm. Item Number: 157300
Geometry / Biology Cabinet: Rear Panel (93 cm) This rear panel can be mounted easily to create a closed back Geometry / Biology Cabinet. Item Number: 157350
A rear panel and casters can be ordered separately for each cabinet
Material Cabinet: Open Back (93 cm) A cabinet with 4 shelves, 2 adjustable in height, suitable for children from 3 to 12 years of age. A panel to create a closed back cabinet and a caster set with brakes can be ordered separately (Item Number: 157550 and 157560). The cabinet is shipped unmounted and flat- packed to save on delivery. Measures: 118 x 40 x 93 cm. Item Number: 157400
Open cabinets entice activity
Material / Sensorial Cabinet: Rear Panel (93 cm) This rear panel can be mounted easily to create a closed back cabinet. Item Number: 157550
Sensorial Cabinet: Open Back (93 cm) A cabinet with 5 shelves, 2 adjustable in height, suitable for children from 3 to 6 years of age. A panel to create a closed back cabinet and a caster set with brakes can be ordered separately (respectively Item Number: 157550 and 157560). The cabinet is shipped unmounted and flat-packed to save on delivery. Measures: 118 x 40 x 93 cm. Item Number: 157500
Set Of 4 Casters With Brakes The casters can easily be mounted underneath all 93 cm cabinets. Item Number: 157560
Tulips From Amsterdam
Tulips are a sign that spring has begun. Have you heard or seen the ‘Maria Montessori’ tulip? The tulip named in honor of Maria Montessori’s 150th birthday? Nienhuis has materialized this tulip into a beautifully detailed toddler puzzle. Wouldn’t having this puzzle in your home or toddler environment be a wonderful idea? As Maria Montessori was born on August 31, we have a special offer for you… From August 31st to the end of the year, when you order 31 items or more from this Inspiration Brochure, you will receive one Maria Montessori 150 Years Puzzle for free! *.
Get a free puzzle when you order 31 items or more!*
Maria Montessori 150 Years Puzzle A beautiful wooden toddler puzzle of the Maria Montessori Tulip to celebrate her 150th birthday. Item Number: 977000
* Offer runs from 08-31-2020 to 12-31-2020 when ordering 31 or more products from the Inspiration Brochure. Offer valid while stock lasts only.
Let us design your classroom
In cooperation with GAM, Nienhuis Montessori offers you an exciting new concept: a custom classroom designed and created exclusively to your specific wants and needs. Using the best quality furniture, we'll create a beautiful design that will for certain exceed your expectations.
Children's House Iride, Guastalla, Italy
Before we begin, we'll need a few things: a detailed construction drawing of the space including dimensions, the age group and expected number of children, and any other particular requirements you may have. An indication of your budget would be useful too; it will help to further refine your design. • Send us a detailed construction drawing including dimensions • Send us the number of children in the classroom and their ages • Send us any other special requirements • We will make a 2D/3D design for you in four weeks’ notice
Go to and let’s get started!
About the Essentials
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The ’Scan your classroom’ Tool
What is necessary in your prepared environment? Find out in a few simple steps. Whether you are opening a new prepared environment or want to make sure your existing environment is up to standard, you will find our ‘Classroom Scan’ just what you need. It is based upon the list of Essential Materials of the AMI. It is sectioned by age group in the same manner as our current Nienhuis catalog and is intended to help ensure your prepared environment has the necessary materials for great success. If you are interested in viewing a full list of the Essential Materials, you can find one at the end of each section in our catalog.
More Action & Inspiration? Nienhuis Montessori USA 600 E Luchessa Avenue | Gilroy, CA 95050 | United States Phone 1-800-942-8697 | 1-650-964-2735 |
Practical Life
Enamel Jug Item Number: 400200
Wooden Bowl Item Number: 400201
Enamel Bowl Item Number: 400300
Enamel Bucket Item Number: 400400
Metal Pitcher: Large Item Number: 400401
Enamel Pitcher: Large Item Number: 400500
Shoe Polishing Brush Set: 4 Brushes Item Number: 401400
Small Dusting Brush: Dark Hair Item Number: 401500
Feather Duster Item Number: 401700
Table Sweeping Set Item Number: 401900
Herb Greenboards Item Number: 403000
7 cm
10 cm
14.5 cm
Scoop (Small) Item Number: 403100
Scoop (Mid-size) Item Number: 403200
Scoop (Large) Item Number: 403300
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Sand Sieve Item Number: 403600
Sand Bucket Item Number: 403700
Children's Garden Set Item Number: 403900
Mini Dustpan (Blue) Item Number: 404000
Sand Shovel Item Number: 403800
Mini Dustpan (Red) Item Number: 404101
Mini Dustpan (Green) Item Number: 404102
Mini Dustpan (White) Item Number: 404100
Sweeping Guide Item Number: 404300
Mini Hand Brush Item Number: 404600
Dish For Table Washing Brush Item Number: 405300
Spray Bottle For Window Cleaning Item Number: 404800
Dish Washing Brush: Wooden Item Number: 405500
Table Washing Brush Item Number: 405000
Small Cloth Pegs Item Number: 406201
Indoor Broom (49 cm): Soft Black Item Number: 406500
Wooden Clothes Pegs (25) Item Number: 406200
Outdoor Broom (49 cm) Item Number: 406502
Scrubber (49 cm) Item Number: 406503
Indoor Broom (49 cm): Soft Brown Item Number: 406501
or the main catalog for specifications
Corn Broom (90 cm) Item Number: 406504
Lawn Rake (80 cm) Item Number: 406505
Mini Bucket (White) Item Number: 408200
Lawn Shovel (80 cm) Item Number: 406506
Mini Bucket (Blue) Item Number: 408100
Mini Cloth Pegs Item Number: 409200
Mini Bucket (Red) Item Number: 408300
Mini Bucket (Green) Item Number: 408400
Sorting Tray: Small Item Number: 040500
Toddler Puzzle: Seal Item Number: 044300
Toddler Puzzle: 3 Bears Item Number: 044350
Toddler Puzzle: 4 Elephants Item Number: 044400
Toddler Puzzle: 5 Wild Animals Item Number: 044450
Toddler Puzzle: 3 Vegetables Item Number: 044520
Toddler Puzzle: Giraffe Item Number: 044500
Toddler Puzzle: Cauliflower Item Number: 044510
Toddler Puzzle: Fennel Item Number: 044550
Toddler Puzzle: 4 Tomatoes Item Number: 044530
Toddler Puzzle: 5 Vegetables Item Number: 044540
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Toddler Puzzle: Grapes Item Number: 044560
Toddler Puzzle: 3 Melons Item Number: 044570
Toddler Puzzle: 4 Strawberries Item Number: 044580
Toddler Puzzle: 5 Fruits Item Number: 044590
Toddler Puzzle: Apple Item Number: 044600
Toddler Puzzle: Rooster Item Number: 044610
Toddler Puzzle: 3 Sheep Item Number: 044620
Toddler Puzzle: 4 Rabbits Item Number: 044630
Toddler Puzzle: 5 Farm Animals Item Number: 044640
Toddler Puzzle: Goat Item Number: 044650
Weaning Chair: Adjustable Height Item Number: 101010
Weaning Table Item Number: 102000
Toddler Table: Small Rectangle Item Number: 102100
Toddler Work Stool: Small Item Number: 103000
Toddler Work Stool: Large Item Number: 103100
Infant / Toddler Shelf: 2-Tier Item Number: 104000
Hollow Letter Shapes: International Cursive Item Number: 005600
Infant / Toddler Shelf: 1-Tier Item Number: 104100
Hollow Number Shapes: International Version Item Number: 002830
Grammar Sense Game: Set 2 Item Number: 0107A1
or the main catalog for specifications
Cut-Out Numerals: International Version Item Number: 003520
Cut-Out Numerals / Printed Numerals Box Item Number: 0033A0
Books & More
Box With Large Numeral Cards Item Number: 067100
Rug For Large Numeral Cards Item Number: 067200
The Sun Looks Upon Water, Air And Rocks Item Number: 523111
Timeline Of Life Item Number: 523121
About Life On Earth Item Number: 523131
The Coming Of Humans Item Number: 523141
The Story Of Writing Item Number: 523151
The Story Of Numbers Item Number: 523161
The Plants Tell A Story Item Number: 523171
The Little Jellyfish Item Number: 523181
The Little Trilobite Item Number: 523191
The Little Coral Item Number: 523201
The Little Sea Lily Item Number: 523211
The Little Fish Item Number: 523221
The Little Amphibian Item Number: 523231
The Little Dinosaur Item Number: 523241
The Little Dragonfly Item Number: 523251
Look at for more information
The Little Bird Item Number: 523261
The Little Horse Item Number: 523271
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Nienhuis Montessori USA 600 E Luchessa Avenue | Gilroy, CA 95050 | United States Phone: +1-650-964-2735 | Fax: +1-650-964-8162 |
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