Educo catalogus 2023- V2

The world and yourself Materials, substances and objects


Tactile material - geometric shapes 324300 3 - 6

Contents: • 10 wooden geometric shapes • 10 plastic cards with matching pictures • wooden box (24 x 12.5 x 7 cm)

Feel the 3-D shape and combine with the matching contour. Use in combination with the Tactile box (E522873) or the Blindfolds (E523320). ||||||||||||

Feel the shape E523321 3 - 6

Contents: • 12 wooden boards

• 12 plastic cards • 2 wooden pens • cotton bag • wooden box (24 x 12.5 x 7 cm)

Ticklish tactile game where fluent shapes are key. Recognise shapes on your back, in a bag, written in the air or play a memory game. Develop gross and fine motor skills, perceptual and early writing skills. |||||||||||||

Contents: • wooden tactile die • 4 wooden frames • 24 wooden disks

Tactile dice game 3004150 3 - 6

• cotton bag (27 x 13 cm)

Throw the die, feel the material on top and try to find a matching disk in the bag. Learn to recognise, compare and name various materials and develop perceptual skills.




The world and yourself | Materials, substances and objects

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