Educo catalogus 2023- V2
Magnetic fraction set
Fraction set round - pupil 1501000 6 - 12
Recognise, name and learn to calculate with fractions. The colours of the sets reinforce the relationships between the various fractions. The linear fraction set also shows the relationship between fractions, percentages and decimal numbers. ||||||||
Contents: • plastic fraction parts (0.2 cm thick) (diameter 1/1 is 8.8 cm) • transparent plastic box round (9 x 1.7 cm) Round fraction components with bright colours. The set helps pupils to discover fractions up to 12 and to understand the part-whole relationship. ||||||||
round - pupil 1504001 6 - 12
Contents: • blank circle • 12 coloured circles
Contents: • 10 unbreakable, flexible plastic strips • black plastic box with transparent hinged lid (27 x 8.5 x 2 cm)
linear - pupil 1506001 6 - 12
Contents: • blank rectangle • 14 coloured strips
Fraction set linear - pupil 1507000 6 - 12
Colourful set of 10 unbreakable strips. One strip represents a whole number; the other nine are flexible and can be folded into half or up to a tenth part. The length of the parts of the strips help to give a clear picture of the part-whole relationship. The nuances of a colour indicate which fractions are related to each other. ||||||||
Math dice - big (4) 1305000 6 - 12
Fraction dice - big (4) 1306000 6 - 12
Contents: • 4 wooden dice (5 cm) with - dots 1-6, numbers 0-5, numbers 5 -10, math signs (+, -, x) • cotton bag
Contents: • 4 wooden dice (5 cm) with fractions and self-check • cotton bag Dice with round fractions. Name or visualise the fraction you throw and check your answer by turning the die. Increase insight in fractions, the way they can be represented and their relationships. ||||||||
Set of 4 dice with dots, math symbols and numbers to practise additions, subtractions and multiplications. The dice can be combined in various ways. For easy sums use the die with numbers 0-5 and the die with dots 1-6. Add up the numbers or subtract the smallest number from the greatest number. For more difficult sums use the dice with numbers 0-5, 5-10 and the die with math symbols. |||||||||||
Mathematics | Numeracy - Operations
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