Educo catalogus 2023- V2

Cheese and mouse game 3904403 3 - 6 Where will the pointer stop? Will you get some cheese or lose some? Be aware of the mice, they love cheese. Luckily you have cats to help you. The first player to collect 10 cheeses and has no mice wins. Develop number skills up to 10 and logical thinking skills. |||||||||||||

Contents: • wooden play board • 4 plastic cards

• 12 plastic cards with mice • 40 yellow wooden cheeses • die with dots 1-3 • wooden box (33 x 32.5 x 7 cm)

Thematic counting game E522401 3 - 6 Contents: • 8 plastic assignment cards • 64 plastic image cards • wooden box (33.5 x 22.5 x 7 cm)

Number game E522152 3 - 6

Children realize the value of equal sets as remaining the same, even when spread out, squeezed together or rearranged. Place the image cards next to the story board with the logical order or matching numeric value. When correct, turning all cards over onto the story board reveals one large image. |||||||

Contents: • 216 wooden markers in 6 colours • tiles with numbers up to 10 and equation symbols • wooden box (33 x 32.5 x 7 cm)

Create tactile equations using coloured, numbered, dotted and signed chips. Students learn the math signs (+, -, =) and create additions and subtractions.Children physically and verbally represent the properties of addition and subtraction. |||||||||

Dotsy 307200 3 - 6

Contents: • 2 leaf shaped play boards (recesses for wings) • 48 round assignment cards • 62 wings • 2 plastic answer charts • wooden box (33 x 32.5 x 7 cm)

With Dotsy the ladybug, children learn the different number combinations from 1-10. Each wing is different in dots and 5 is the largest number represented. Children create a ladybug by counting dots and adding 2 wings to a leaf. Dotsy, indirectly prepares children for the addition of numbers through 10. ||||||||



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