Educo Jegro Arts & Crafts Heutink USA
Where does it belong?
Core skill
Develop visual perception and mathematical thinking. Assignment cards relate to the image cards visually and numerically. Children are challenged to find the correct matches. When correct, both cards turned over together will reveal a small circle.
Contents: 18 assignment cards (3 levels) 18 image cards manual
Wooden box (34 x 20 x 6 cm).
E523120 where does it belong?
Find the row
Core skill
Find the row helps children learn to organize and classify categories for images. Children describe and compare an assignment strip and the three small cards that belong with it as full-empty, wide-narrow, and high-low, etc. This game inspires the use of descriptive words which to helps increase childrens’ vocabulary. Self checking.
Contents: 10 assignment cards 30 small cards manual
Wooden box
E523121 find the row
Core skill
Assignment boards and coded clue cards suggest a match from the accompanying clothing set cards. Children interpret clues from the thought bubble in order to cross-match a clothing choice. Based on colors, numbers and objects, this game encourages abstract and critical thinking. Self-checking.
Contents: 3 assignment boards with advancing levels
8 color coded clue cards 19 cards with clothing sets manual
Wooden box with lid (35 x 18 x 5).
E300200 dresscode
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