Educo Jegro Arts & Crafts Heutink USA

Apple tree counting set

Core skill


Assignment board trees each have 10 holes and are assigned numerals from 1 - 10. Children use green and red apples to fill the tree with the needed amount. Adding apples to trees is a tactile and vivid way to learn number combinations. Contents: 10 wooden assignment boards with trees 60 red and green apple pegs manual

Wooden box (15 x 14 x 5 cm).

E342900 apple tree counting set


Core skill


Have fun learning the quantities 1 - 6. Learn to see the relationship between quantities, number symbols and their values. Children will also learn to determine a quantity at a glance and do simple addition sums up to six. Contents: 8 boards; 4 with apples and 4 with numbers 2 spinners 72 cards: 4 x 6 with apples, 4 x 6 with figurines and 4 x 6 with numbers manual

Wooden box with lid (24 x 24 x 4 cm).

E307800 contini


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