Educo Jegro Arts & Crafts Heutink USA

Number sense and counting Number sense and counting are all about getting to know the symbols, meaning, positions, and representations of numbers. The main goal for children is to be able to use the symbols and ordinals, determine an amount and develop insight into quantities and meaning of numbers. Counting objects, dialing a phone number and connecting numbers to quantities are activities which stimulate number sense and counting.

Mathematical play >> Numeracy >> Number sense and counting

Find and count on color

Core skill


A fun way to learn about colors, counting and number sense. Look at and explore the colorful theme boards. Assignment strips show 4 colors. For each item found in that color, place a bead on the stand. Flip the game strip over for the answers - shown in both dots and numbers. Self-checking. Contents: 6 theme boards 6 assignment strips (coded by themes; key on reverse) 50 beads wooden stand manual

E523041 find and count on color 

Available separately E523066 additional wooden stand E522886 set of 100 red beads

Wooden box with lid (36 x 24 x 8.5 cm).

Find and count

Core skill


Look at and explore the highly detailed theme board scenes. Count the assigned images. Children keep track of each image found by placing a bead on the stand. Flip the game strip over for the answers - shown in both dots and numbers. Self-checking. Contents: 6 theme boards 6 assignment strips (coded by themes; key on reverse) 50 beads wooden stand manual

E522884 find and count 

Available separately E522885 additional wooden stand E522886 set of 100 red beads

Wooden box with lid (36 x 24 x 8.5 cm).


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