Educo Jegro Arts & Crafts Heutink USA

01.01 Arts & Crafts 03

Paint and Ink

Textile printing paint High-quality textile paint ready for use. Can be used on various natural and synthetic fibres. Once dry, it can be fixed by ironing on the back at 150° C for approx. 4 minutes. Washable up to 40° C. In 500 ml bottles.

Finger paint pots A set of 10 finger paint pots with lid. The shape of the jars make cleaning easy and also prevent spills. Small quantities can easily be stored because a transparent lid fits on the jar. When the jars are empty, they can easily be stashed away, as they are stackable.

A062260 yellow A062261 blue A062262 red A062263 black A062264 white A062265 green

Set of 6 assorted 500 ml bottles in the colors yellow, blue, red, black, white and green.

A062250 set of 6 bottles

A522790 finger paint pots, set of 10

Finger paint The total finger-painting concept! Until now, finger paint was always sold in buckets, which resulted in children ending up with their little hands in the buckets. This creates the problem of colors becoming mixed and, the amount of bacteria in the finger-paint increases, which is not good for hygiene. That is why Heutink has developed a complete set of finger paints with each color provided by the litre in a handy squeeze bottle. There are 8 magnificent colors, the paint is non-toxic and in the right spreadable consistency.

A030001 white A030002 yellow A030003 red A030004 violet A030005 blue

A030006 green A030007 brown A030008 black A030009 orange


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