Educo Heutink International (English)

Language play

What’s missing? One item is missing, can you find it? Choose one of the detailed thema plates and a matching assignment strip. The assignments feature 4 items. Try to find the 3 items that are both on the theme plate and the assignment strip. Learn to distinguish details

and pick out key points. Contents: 4 theme plates,

24 assignment strips, 20 counters, manual.

523.300 what’s missing?


This colourful game engages the concept of “parts of the whole” and is an indirect preparation for reading. Children use the black frames to isolate the details from matching assignment cards. Perseverance is needed for finding position, shape and colours. Self-checking. Contents: 4 image boards, 48 assignment cards, 12 black frames, manual. Wooden box with partitions and lid (27 x 20 x 3 cm).

307.100 details

Search and find Fun variation on the memory match game concept. The pairs relate to each other but are not identical. Insert one assignment card into the game box upper shelf and try to find the related pairs by lifting the red discs. Durable and versatile, this boxed set keeps all the items in place. Contents: 8 assignment boards, wooden game board / storage box (32 x 32 x 6 cm), 12 wooden red discs with knobs, manual.

522.036 search and find


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