Educo Heutink International (English)
Educo introduces young children to language, mathematics and writing in a playful and creative way. Our educational products integrate playing and learning... That’s what makes Educo unique! Our vision Educo is based on three principles: play, learn, and life. Play Educo makes learning playful, explorative, and challenging. All of our products stimulate young children to play. As a result, they develop specific, important skills in a natural way and learn through play! Learn Educo forms a solid base for learning. Our emphasis on play-based learning incorporates play-based teaching. Educo provides clear guidelines for learning and instruction. Our products are categorized into developmental goals and specific skills. That’s why playing an Educo game or solving an Educo puzzle effectively stimulates the learning experience. Life We help young children to understand the ways of the world. Educational goals are strengthened by associating them with everyday situations. The Educo products use daily life experiences to encourage and reinforce key concepts. A solid base for development!
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