Educo - Actionpaper

Magnetic design board E523388

Copy the patterns and figures of the assignment card on your design board. Pull up the small balls with the magnetic pen. Experience with patterns and create your own design as well. Develop fine motor skills, visual discrimination and concentration.


64,53 00,00

• 2 red design boards • 4 magnetic pens (2 in boards, 2 extra) • 6 plastic assignment cards with 12 assignments • wooden box (33 x 18 x 6 cm)

Happy hammer geo E522355

92,12 00,00

Create mosaic designs with geometric shapes in various colours. Model one of the 12 assignment cards or make up your own unique creations. Improve fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination.


• 2 cork boards with MDF bottom (30 x 22.5 cm) • 12 assignment cards • 2 small plastic hammers • 144 plastic geo shapes brass nails manual wooden box (40 x 34 x 8 cm)


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