Catalogue Educo Jegro 2018-lr

Mathematical play

Logic Place picture cards in a logical order to tell a story. Analyse and sort the cards to make a story with a distinctive beginning, middle and end. Children work out the order and then describe the story to stimulate language skills. Contents: • 36 plastic image cards • wooden frame (40 x 40 cm) E522448  Logic

(3–6 years)

Diagram daily rhythm Create rows to show a daily life rhythm of a child. The children on the images represent different countries and different cultures. While playing, children learn about the similarities and differences of those countries and cultures. Self-checking. Contents: • 36 plastic image cards

• wooden frame (40 x 40 cm) E523370  Diagram daily rhythm

Resulta Place picture cards in the order of what comes first, second and last. Expand vocabulary and stimulate language skills. Sequentially linking 3 image cards encourages logical reasoning. Play encourages developmental conversation on 16 topics. Contents: • 48 plastic image cards • wooden box (34 x 20 x 6 cm) E522428  Resulta

Cause and effect Decide what happened first and last by analysing the scene and arranging image cards next to the assignment card. When correct, the back of the image cards reveal a large image. Image card sets are coded to story boards by a matching symbol. Contents: • 8 plastic assignment cards • 64 plastic image cards • wooden box (34 x 20 x 6 cm) E522340  Cause and effect


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