Arts & Crafts Heutink International (English)

Labelwriter labels Dymo

Labelwriter Dymo 450

086.082 89 x 28 mm, 260 pieces 086.083 89 x 36 mm, 520 pieces 086.084 12 x 50 mm, 220 pieces 086.085 25 x 54 mm, 500 pieces 086.086 19 x 51 mm, 500 pieces 086.087 32 x 57 mm, 1000 pieces 086.088 54 x 101 mm, 220 pieces 086.089 54 x 70 mm, 320 pieces

Labelwriter which prints 51 labels per minute on a maximum width of 60 mm. This Labelwriter is both PC and Mac compatible and is therefore equipped with a USB-connection.

086.051 Dymo Labelwriter 450

Labelmanager Dymo PnP

Plug and Play labelmaker for PC or Mac. Connect, type and print. Suited for Dymo D1 lettertape of 6, 9 en 12 mm.

086.052 Dymo Labelmanager PnP

Labelmanager Dymo 160P

Equipped with an ABC-keyboard and shortcuts for all popular functions. Suited for Dymo D1 lettertape of 6, 9 and 12 mm. Powered by 4 AA Alkaline batteries (021.902), or an optional power supply (086.053).

Letratag Dymo LT 100H

Suited for Dymo Letratag LT-tapes. Powered by 4 AA Alkaline batteries (021.902), or an optional power supply (086.053).

Labelmanager Dymo Power supply

Suited for Dymo Labelmanagers.

086.054 Dymo Letratag LT 100H

086.056 Dymo Labelmanager 160P

086.053 Labelmanager power supply


Arts & Crafts

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